Then have to turn left into the alley to look at this flowerclad house, of course - Ramsay garden - before we continue.
You lazy pig! Just lying around all day...
Poor thing, I guess he couldn't take it anymore... "Pinocchio's now a boy who wants to turn back into a toy..."
How can we resist puns like these! Off the royal mile to the right, a little further down...
There's that piper again, Tony something. We go way back...
... now looking back up at it
Another alleyway! Must go and have a look :)
And it's stopped raining - that's nice.. (spot the rainbow!)
Queen's gallery, outside the Holyrood Palace (where the queen stays when she's in Edinburgh.) (In the palace, that is, not in the gallery) (I suppose, at least that's what they say. I don't actually know for a fact where the Queen spends her nights.) (Or days, for that matter.)
The gates ...
... and the palace itself.
Look! It's the bagpipe shape of Dynamic Earth! Means we've made it down the mile and more. Great exercise and good fun!
And here we are, looking up at the Salisbury Crags. Thanks for keeping me company!
Incidentally, if you felt this post was a mile long, that was intentional...