- taken to thinking in English. All the time. Which is fine, I'm a trained translator, I can translate it into Norwegian before I speak, so my kids understand me. But it's still sort of ... odd. And I daydream in English. Dream too. I even reason with myself in English. Surely it's not because of this person?
- resigned my job. My dream job, remember? It sort of still is. And isn't, because I had to give up my home office. And there's more admin and marketing related stuff to do, less translation. Come summer, I'll be sat at my home office all day long, waiting for something to do. And humming to myself in English, probably...- started listening to Renoe Alexander, a pastime I can recommend!- found that I'm not really obsessed at all! I've wasted hundreds of spent a few hours on the RWMB lately, and realised that since I don't travel to four countries in one week to see Rufus I'm not that much of a fan. Really...- decided to go for an exam that really is way out of my league, but - here's to trying :)
- watched Liverpool march on towards Champions league glory! (I swear, I almost had a heart attack during the last match - with hubby as my witness!)
- missed you guys! I keep thinking of blog posts (thinking in blog posts, even!) but to actually post...
Oh, you've got my scarf! ;)
lol you make me chuckle, woman! I know all about heart-attacks. Fortunately yours turned out for the good, imagine if it hadn't ...ooof...
No, of course you're not obsessed..........
Maybe the exam result isn't as bad as you expect.
I'm all for going for things that seem out of one's league. It's amazing how often they end up not being nearly as impossible as they seemed from afar.
You totally have to check out the Dana Fuchs Band from NYC. They are touring your way, I think they'll be in Oslo. Google them, listen to some of the music...Dana played "Sadie" in the movie Across The Universe...
Hey, HI! Nice to see you!
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