I've been thinking about this whole blog thing. (AND been watching the World Cup. AND been celebrating 4x4x6*) This new job is a lot more fun than the old, it has to be admitted, and also involves a lot more staying put in front of the screen, which actually makes it less tempting to repeat same in home...
When I started this blog it was partly because I felt I had something to say. Lately I've been considering - perhaps I've run out?
Run out of time, maybe, but not of things to say... So I'll keep reappearing here, only not quite as frequent. As Armaedes described it a few months back: "don't blog if you don't have anything to say. And certainly don't blog to say you don't have anything to say!" Of course, he puts a lot more elegance in the phrasing. And sarcasm... I was a bit put off at the time, as he also insisted people should not put automatic music on their blogs - and I had that at the time... (But I could see his point, even though I loved the song that kept playing on my blog it was rather annoying together with other stuff...)
And just when I was thinking about quitting, Moncrief Speaks left a comment, I have no idea where he found me (although he's also linking to dear Josh & Josh so perhaps..) but I was very pleased with a brand new commenter, just out of the blue. And his blog's good read.
So I guess I'll try and come back if I've got something to say, and try not to if I haven't..
Oh, the 4x4x6? 4 celebrations of 4 people's 6th birthdays. Yup, the quads have now officially turned 6, which we celebrated both on the day itself and last weekend and this weekend. (Saturday the quads and I went to an island near where we live - played football and caught crabs (no pun intended...), basking in the sun all day, while our oldest was in a friend's birthday party and my hubby was shopping and baking for Sunday's invasion of celebrators...
Yes, I've got an amazing hubby. I hasten to add - he also finds my lack of resentment towards football quite the asset...
Post away - with quads you must have something to say on a regular basis! You can post about mothering, mothering multiples, about silly things those tikes do, or about work. Post a peeve, post a joke...please post!! I was so thrilled when I got the NEW sign next to your link on my blogroll!
Take a wee break, enjoy the job, enjoy the kids, enjoy life - I'm getting to the point where I'm sat here thinking of something to blog the whole time when I could be outside doing it.
See you in a few weeks...we'll ALL be waiting!
Don't stop posting now!
Glad to have found you. Yes, I found you through J&J, I believe.
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