First you slice up an entire loaf of bread (ok, 4 slices are for me, but still).
Then you set up the lunch boxes, the spread, and take a deep breath...
There! Only takes about 11 minutes altogether, but ooooh, it is so boring... (Which is why my hubby does this most nights - he's a true saint...)
For the linguists among you - the sheets of paper are called (literally:) "inbetweenlayingpaper", it matches the slices in size, and for some reason I've never found it anywhere but in Scandinavia...
All set... 16 slices ready for destruction by tiny jaws for breakfast and lunch tomorrow!
But I dare you to find a more boring chore than this... Anyone - Chloe, Rarity?
even if i could come up with something as boring, it would only be undermined by the fact that you have to do it 5 times!
Erm, let me think.
Nah! can't compete!
I saw a cartoon once. It was a totally wild haired mom type yelling at a dad and 2 bewildered kids: "Thats it! Lunches are made for the entire year!" and all are surrounded by tons of little brown lunch saks. I wish it were that easy. But... soon... they can pack their own eh? And...why breakfast?
The breakfast, yes... I take the kids to kindergarten & school, but for me to be in time for work they have to be there early. I.e. when it opens, at 7.30. They eat there, I eat on the boat, everybody's ready before the "real" day starts.
Sure, it would be nice to eat home, but I'd be late for work every day, not a popular move...
Oh yes, the hubby does do his part! He goes to work around 06 so he can go home early and pick'em up...
You are my hero.
Sandwich. :)
Pretty hard to top that one, Scholi...
Any chore I have that is boring is five times more for you...
but then again everything I don't have, you have plenty too!
I'm a poet, and I didn't even know it...
What do you put on the sandwiches?
Well, nothing interesting... From the left - liver paté, butter, ham, "Norwegian toffee cheese" (that's what they called it in the posh cheese shop in England..) and "normal" cheese ("semi-soft white cheese" according to one dictionary!). These latter we call brown and yellow cheese. Simple, like the inbetweenlayingpaper!
And what you can't see, but that still goes on a lot of sandwiches is "prim", a kind of spread made by milk, whey, sugar and whatnot. I've got no idea. But it tastes good :)
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