(Straight iPod-robbers in cunning disguise)

And the dream continues...
Rufus' Jörn looks up. Heard me, obviously. They stop. And I go over to them. As if that would ever happen (did I mention I'm of a fairly Norwegian disposition when it comes to outspokenness & outgoingness? Hm. Think I did)... They ask me what I'm listening to. I answer "Rufus Wainwright" - obviously. But it would be true. I can't stop listening to him. So I tell them just that. In German. (I haven't had German for years but I think I could cough up just that sentence. Really. Especially since practicing throughout this repeated daydream!) Jörn smiles. We talk a bit more in German. Rufus can't quite follow, but there's a convivial atmosphere...
(Rufus out walking. I told you he would be, didn't I!?!!)

But they don't. I'm back in Norway, I receive a phone call from my new best friends. Rufus is giving a concert. In Berlin. (I believe they actually live there, so it might happen, right???) And they wonder would I like to come? Oh, and while I'm at it, would I like to invite some of my bloglings? (Apparently, we must have touched upon the subject of blogging during our hearty talk back then.) I list a few that would love to go - just a shame they're in the US, Canada, Greece, Portugal... No problem, Rufus pays for them all to come over. And we have a whole, lovely blogRufusrallyconcertweekend on our hands.
- Care to join?
(Now you may wonder - wherein lies the improbability? Oh, there's just the one, tiny snag. The fact that things never go according to plan... *sigh*)
re: Americans and whether we ever walk anywhere, what's funny is that SF was the one place I essentially walked everywhere. Too hard to park. :)
That's true! It's impossible to park in this city. People in California walk more than people in other states though, but that's nothing compared to us norwegians ;)
I like your daydream, we'll make shure to let you have some alone-time in the Castro :)
San Franciscans do walk, and not just because of the parking situation. Can't speak for anyone from elsewhere in the country, but SF is a great walking town. Could be related to the fact that there is a reasonable amount of public transport there.
People in California barely walk at all. It's specifically people in San Francisco who walk. It's a city quite unlike the rest of the state and country. New Yorkers also walk a lot.
Dream on girl, anything is possible!
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