09 April 2006

My life is in fact a random word meme

I read Kimananda's solution to the meme of the highlighted words. I cannot compete with her storytelling, so I decided I'll give you a few glimpses from real life. High school period. Or thereabouts.

The curriculum read Actinides but our ex-hippie teacher decided he'd rather tell us about his friend who still lived on ganja, white bread and coca cola. Being in the prime of our juvenescence our thoughts meandered with ease even from this uncurricular theme, only to return when asked the following: "What are castrates well known as?" The boy F answered immediately, without thinking, as was his disposition – "lovers!". We all laughed, frenzically, our teacher more than any, knowing F would never make it to the Oval Office. He never realised the joke was on him...

A seasonal cottager by parental choice throughout my childhood, and enjoying it, I still acceded without hesitation to the suggestion of other destinations. My first alternative holidays was to Crete, and my number one choice has since been Greece. Sometimes in addition to others, but nothing will replace its position in my heart. My one time flatmate R had travelled wider, a missionary daughter, and made a smashing biryani.

But I digress. I left F and our wonderful teacher to take my driver's test. I didn't realise I had failed until the car went crashing into a snowdrift and I thought my driving test examiner suffered a temporary loss of empathy when he uttered "I knew it" - but it turned out it was permanent on his part. In school my class was set to the task of writing a screenplay, an adaptation of the Importance of being Earnest. While I was left praying for a space shuttle to take me away from my malicious test examiner.

Consider yourself tagged (300 words)...


kimananda said...

Excellent! :-)

Just D said...

Nyeah nyeah, can't tag ME! this was cool and fun to read... you are quite a force. I had so much to catch up on though!