30 January 2006

My humblest apologies

Last night I sat up until 1 o'clock. Again. But I wasn't doing anything worthwhile, like watching snooker or blogging, and even though my husband stayed up as well (a rare happening!) we weren't doing anything worthwhile either, if you get my drift...

No, we were watching golf. Until 1 o'clock. And we don't even like golf. I stopped by the sports channel looking for football, snooker, possibly handball - and it was golf. Only, just as I was lifting my index finger to press the "next" button on the remote, the commentator revealed that a Norwegian, a local lad, was in fact leading the PGA tournament.

So, we stayed tuned. And our boy ended 10th, which was brilliant! The point is, though, at 1 o'clock, it wasn't even finished. But we really had to get some sleep before sweet morning has broken and all that. So yes, we sat up really, really, way too late, and never knew who won! (Luckily internet's back on track at work, so I found out today.) (Tiger, should anyone care...)

Golf? I'm not even 40! How could this happen!??!


author said...

I'm telling you golf is great fun (even for a rookie like me)and one of the few sports you might catch me watching on TV, even...

x said...

golf, cards, flower arranging, i love those things. I can't wait to get to pension age and enjoy them!