22 December 2008
What's in one's nature
20 December 2008
Me Me Me
2. Where is your significant other?
5. Your father?
6. Your favourite thing?
7. Your dream last night?
9. The room you’re in?
13. Where were you last night?
14. What you’re not?
16. Where you grew up?
17. The last thing you did?
Bake (!)
19. Your TV?
21. Your computer?
23. Missing someone?
25. Something you’re not wearing?
26. Favourite store?
27. Your summer?
28. Love someone?
29. Your favourite colour?
30. When is the last time you laughed?
31. Last time you cried?
18 December 2008
07 December 2008
06 November 2008
The outcome was decidedly blue...

05 November 2008
Black to start

This morning it said "You're black. Black to start."
CONGRATULATIONS OBAMA!!! And thank goodness for sensible Americans :D
30 October 2008
The Guys from the Caravan
My friend Daniel has designed their CD cover & sleeve, which is how I found them - and they're worth listening to! Proper feelgood music. You can find out more here!
22 October 2008
Another "dear blank"

16 October 2008
Nightmares IV

15 October 2008
The Aging Meme
Rules: All you have to do is either finish the sentence or fill in the blanks...
At a certain age women should: stop trying to look 17.
At a certain age men should: start shaving their ears!
When I was a kid I thought I: would be world famous by now...
Now that I am older I wish: that I'll stay un-famous!
You know you are too old to party when: there's football on TV and it's a lot more tempting.
You know you are too young to retire when: your mortgage is still larger than your house.
When I was in high school I listened to the music of: U2, Sting and de Lillos.
Nowadays I find I like the music of: Rufus Wainwright - U2, Sting and de Lillos :)
On my last birthday I: probably had too much cake and a sugar rush, 'cause I can't remember anything...
On my next birthday I want to: be surrounded by friends and family! (Wait, I think I was last year too..?)
The best birthday present I ever got was: one of many - which one to choose!
The first time I felt grown up was: when I could admit to my own flaws without flinching.
The last time I felt like a kid was: today, around lunch. And yesterday. And ...
When I read "Roots" by Alex Haley (at 12) it changed my life.
Last year was: surprising!
Next year I hope: the world hasn't changed too much.
And Monday Martha Wainwright was in town! (Yes, she's Rufus' sister, but her music is her own!) Her concert was truly amazing - what a voice! You can see her perform on her own blog, if you want a sample... And afterwards, there was a meet & greet. See, we're practically sisters ! And yes, that's an R.E.M. T-shirt I'm wearing...
13 October 2008
Quote of the day (18)
Life is like a sewer - what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!
12 October 2008
Insanity streak

Nightmares III
07 October 2008
Nightmares II
06 October 2008
with feet bigger than me, but...
Life wouldn't be half as much fun without!
01 October 2008
Nightmares I
04 September 2008
R.E.M. in Oslo!

A fabulous mix of new and old songs, an excited crowd (for Norwegians, ie. there were even hips moving) and a little banter in between songs ...
- "I know you hear this all the time, but you really are such a beautiful people!"
- "I heard you've got gay marriage over here, that's great! You get gay marriage, we get ... John McCain... We really, really, REALLY hate our government"
But we love you, R.E.M.! Can't wait till you get back next time!
15 August 2008
14 August 2008
Meet Humphrey

Now I'm back online I'm scaringly indifferent. Still... This is the 8th week of holidays, though, I'm sure next week's return to school (kids) and work may bring out the need to yet again stay up half the night to hammer away at a keyboard. Right, Humphrey?
12 June 2008
Not quite dead...
Saturday we'll be "celebrating" by going to a music festival in Oslo and see Rufus Wainwright (and others) - first time for the kids! They're quite looking forward to it, actually - to see this strange character that has their mother going all gooey...

That's all folks, I'm off to finish my baking session for the night...
17 May 2008
Norway's national holiday today!
Today was 3 degrees C and rain. We didn't stay outside long after the parade... Even the smallest town has a children's parade like this - Oslo has a big one, walking past the palace (the royal family waves at the passers-by for hours on end...) - and the weather is no excuse! But last year wasn't too bad, here's a sample :)
After the parade this year we went home, put all the kids in the new tub (kingsize...) and had cakes and ice cream at home... Same, same, but different ...
06 May 2008
I just felt honoured that of all their friends, I was the one who got to do all this!
My friends tell me I'm brave, courageous even, for quitting my job and "roughing it" as a freelance translator.
I just feel a coward for not being able to stay in a 9-4 job...
My family tells me how great it is I signed up for this exam, and how well I will do!
I just feel apprehensive about the whole thing, and a little bit ashamed too, for leading people on to thinking I will actually stand a chance.
My friends and family tell me how great I look after losing so much weight!
I just glance in the mirror and can't picture that posing in a bikini in a few weeks time...
My common sense tells me that blogging, facebooking, groupie-ing (read: Rufus!) are for kids.
I'm too busy blogging (ok, maybe not lately...), facebooking and groupie-ing to notice.

29 April 2008
Apparently this is what I like to do!
Scholiast likes to show off and spend money like she has it
Scholiast likes to crack the whip when it comes to rehearsals but at least she's making sure you look like professionals
Scholiast likes to have a manicure, pedicure and facial with skin care
Scholiast likes to play long flowing lines, but Chicago's fans would hardly know it
Scholiast likes to take a well-earned break and perform for large crowds of "grown ups" at the Big Hoo-Haa!
Scholiast likes to shop for England And loves wine
Scholiast likes to curl up with a little cider and her address book for some correspondence
Scholiast likes to write stories
Scholiast likes to do all of the big stuff and then when it comes to the aftermath thinks its ok for the characters to fade into the background
Scholiast likes to call me
I wonder who "me" is...
25 April 2008
sick, but not tired
Wednesday night it was Filip. And Thursday morning... Thanks to the wash-hands-every-second/stay-away-from-Filip/change-every-towel-Filip-has-touched-regime, the others seem to be unscathed. Yet... Thursday night he seemed fine, though, and Friday morning he was up with the others, breakfasting. Then...
For your tender hearts' sake I'll skip the details, let's just say it involved a great deal of detergent. And yes, another clean pyjamas. Moreover, hubby's away with his job and I had to do all the dirty work as well...
And tonight... This is what made me sad. The 2nd graders have THE night of the year - they're staying over at school! Without Filip, that is... I've baked a cake, the other 3 are safely there (and thrilled about it!) - and the boys in Filip's class had unpacked their sleeping bags under a huge table... I know Filip would have loved to join them. As it is, he said "we also get to stay over in 4th grade..."
Makes your heart bleed, doesn't it?
April meme
These are the rules:
1. When tagged, place the name and URL of the tagger on your blog. Check
2. Post the rules on your blog. Check
3. Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Ok?
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs. I'll give it a go...
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged. We'll see...
Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
1. I check my emails first thing in the morning. Before I shower... The beauty of mobile phones :)
2. I now consider 'ruphoria' and 'rufoxicated' part of my everyday vocabulary
3. I have birthday autism. I don't think that's a word, but if you've told me your birthday, I'll remember it. Or - I would, if you told me before I joined facebook...*)
4. I'm always early - even if I know the person I'm meeting will be late for sure!
5. I can fall asleep even if I just woke up after 8 hours straight. It's a gift...
6. I have a nasty fear of wrought-iron fences. I somehow seem to think that walking alongside one will make me go temporarily mad, and thread one eye down on the fence...

7. I will laugh out loud in public if something's funny, I'm not one to be embarrassed easily!
8. I have a tendency to always think of something else I need to add. To every finished list.
Name 7 of your favorite blogs
If they're in my bloglist, they're excellent! And they're more than 7... Look right!
But this week, look especially to Slap Upside the Head - you figure out why ;)
Now tag someone ...
Yeah, right... Ok, tag, you're it!
15 April 2008
Another German invasion!?

10 April 2008
Lately, I've

- started listening to Renoe Alexander, a pastime I can recommend!
- found that I'm not really obsessed at all! I've
- decided to go for an exam that really is way out of my league, but - here's to trying :)
- watched Liverpool march on towards Champions league glory! (I swear, I almost had a heart attack during the last match - with hubby as my witness!)
- missed you guys! I keep thinking of blog posts (thinking in blog posts, even!) but to actually post...
25 March 2008
Rufus' English school - part I

22 March 2008
Life does go on
No, I have been thinking about the couple I wrote about a while back (November?) - where one (50+) seemed happy to be fussing about his husband (60+)? Who seemed to be on his last legs.
Well, he was. He died in February. The obit read:
My dearly beloved husband
and the love of my life,
(...) died peacefully, quietly and
beautifully at home
50+ was back on the boat, commuting, within a week. And this week I saw him smile again...
Edit: Yes, DevilMood, both men :)
07 February 2008
Last post from Scotland
The cows, now also in Edinburgh!
The thistle, as you may know, is Scotland's national flower. But did you know it's the Norwegians' fault? This happened a long time ago, and the Scots and vikings were at war. (Well, the vikings were at war with everybody, so why discriminate the Scots?) The Scots had made camp and had gone to sleep, ready for battle the next day. But those sleezy vikings ... they planned to attack at night! Such ungentlemanly behaviour!! The Scots were in luck, though, for two reasons: 1) The vikings didn't wear proper shoes, and 2) The Scottish camp was surrounded by thistles.
You do the maths...
This, though it may look like one, is no window. In the 1690's William III issued a Window Tax, and so people started bricklaying the former window openings - but were made to keep them look like windows for architectural purposes. Many places these have survived!
Leaving Edinburgh - heading north! If you've found your spectacles by now, you may see the Firth of Forth waaaaay over there...
The railway bridge. Quite a few workmen were trapped in one (or more?) "leg" of the bridge during construction. Due to structural defects, perhaps, and possibly the fact that water was so polluted, the workmen would only drink whisky and beer... There was no way of bringing them back to the surface, and in the end, the queen ordered that there be poured poison down the "legs" so the men could die peacefully, rather than starve to death. (Apparently there was enough to drink.) Think of that the next time you pass the bridge - there be bones underneath...
Ewan McGregor's home town Crieff. Or the main street, at least.
- And thus ends my Scottish tale!
02 February 2008
How do you do, PWP?

Passionately posing for a picture, 1985
Now, I would walk 10 miles afoot, to look at the house of someone who once met Rufus Wainwright's neighbour. I admit it freely, I'm that sad obsessive interested. I would refrain from all other forms of shopping (that used to include food - before I had others to care for...) - for life, if need be - if that enabled me to get tickets to every Rufus, de Lillos, Sting or U2 gig there was - or to as many visits as I'd like to Berlin, Lisbon, Crete... I would give my right hand (and left arm!) for Liverpool to win another cup - let alone the premiership!
Passionately back in Greece! (I was 14 - what can I say...)
I would (and I have, in fact!) spend 8 months passionately wooing my chosen one until he broke down and promised to marry me...
But you, People Without Passion... You wouldn't even go next door to see the first alien-human offspring, would you? You like all kinds of music, you say. Any town you visit is as fine as the next. And caring about football is just plain silly...
I can't help but wonder - do you [not] have fun in the same way? Polite ha-has, no guffawing or even small giggle fits? And relationships, do you really care? "Sure, I loved him, but hey, I'll meet somebody else." Are you for real? Or are you lurking somewhere underneath, quenched by real life, chores and routines, and too weak to find a way out? Are you living, or are you just ... alive?