14 October 2005

Blogger's dilemma...

I bumped into Rarity the other morning. We talked a bit, about blogging also, about being visitor no. 200 000 on Nickerblog, about the official opening of the Norwegian parliament (Storting) on that very day...

Then I told her I'd found my Australian friend. 'Great' she said 'make sure to mention it on your blog!' - But oh, I had already told her about it! It wasn't news anymore...

Perhaps we shouldn't talk when we meet? Simply refer to our blogs and move on? Aaron had thoughts around this a while back, and it seems he and his commenters agreed with what Rarity and I was thinking; never mind the blog in real life - or at least, never let it kill conversation...

But do take care of your blogs at all times regardless, and know that I enjoy reading yours!


author said...

You know even without the blog I'm a repeater. I'm sure my best friends have heard me tell my favourite stories several times, and they're usually great about it. They never whine about hearing it before... So what else is new?

Sam said...

I've got people I don't see very often and their blog is the only way I have of following what they're up to - if you're a regular reader it's a conversation starter...

Unknown said...

I've encountered a similar dilemma. I have friends here in town who'll say, "Oh, I'm so glad you finally blah blah blah," when I hadn't yet told them. Also "blog" friends (and enemies) I don't actually know! It's all a bit odd.