I've had the chance to observe this phenomenon quite closely lately - it's been about -15 c (about 5 F) for days now. And what I've seen is mostly this:
Whereas this would be correct...
Now, I can understand insecure teenagers don't want to wear woollen hats and mittens and sweaters when they think it looks better wearing practically nothing - or at least baring their stomachs. And I consider underdressed toddlers the fault of their parents.
But why do grown people - men and women - go out in this cold without gloves? And hats?? And scarves??? Or even with scarves - but just loosely hanging around their necks, revealing their open shirts (and goosebumps)? I really don't get it. Now, I would have thought that by the age of, say, 40, people would be self-assured enough to dress like whatever they wanted. Why would anyone want to freeze?
Actually, the same thing happens during summer. People look out, see the sun, and walk out wearing practically nothing. It may well be 10 degrees (50 F).
Me, I'm boring, incredibly boring and sensible when it comes to clothing. Even at the age of 15 - at my mum's suggestion at buying new clothes - I'd say "why? I've already got clothes!" I just hate being cold. (I ventured out of my mittens to take this photo in the lift at work.)