Come all ye unfaithful monsters, witches and scarecrows, and ye shall have...
(Sidenote: A friend thought he might go as himself. Ring the doorbells and tell the people he's gay. That'd scare them...)
casual observer of things not likely to be vitally important.
What can I say? Bo Kaspers Orkester - though the name sounds a bit dubious (like one of those unmentionable Swedish bands that play accordion and all wear the same suits and sickening smiles), they're absolutely fabulous!
Here, bass player Micke's playing guitar, as is lead singer Bo Kasper. Drummer is playing bass, guitarist is playing drums, and outside the photo the piano player is on another guitar. I believe the trumpeter was still on his trumpet, though.
The extremely civilized crowd (part of it)... The house was full, meaning 1200 people were jammed in. I'd say there were about 60 % males, and about 75 % (well) above 30. And we were all so civilized that a band from any Americas or Southern Europe would have left halfway through, believing we hated them and / or had fallen asleep. But being fellow Scandinavians, the band recognized our enthusiasm through our half smiles and our polite applause. When real ecstatic, some even ventured stomping their feet and / or wolf whistling. The nerve ;)
The vocalist claimed, with apparent sincerity, that they'd been looking forward to their only gig in Norway this autumn. He also said that they'd voted against a support band because they had so many songs they wanted to play...They played for almost 2 1/2 hours, including 2 encores, so we believed him. Eventually, we even reached the last boat home (1.30), not bad!
And for those who asked - the video in the previous post is from this album, and there are others well worth listening too! If you read Swedish you may as well visit their homepage...
Ok - it's not the pastels de nata (sp?) of Belém, but these were also good. VERY good. I even wrote down the name of it, so you will know what to look for when in Portugal; Queijadas leite and bolinhos de areia.
And in between the Greek pies and the queijadas? Thumbs up for Costa Rican empanadas, Argentinian empanadas (...), Moroccan, erh, pita-bread-look-alikes-with-honey, Sudanese falafel, Spanish meatballs, Turkish Köfte and börek, Indonesian chicken satay, Russian pretzel, Belgian chocolate cake, the Canadian butter tarts and possibly some others that I can't remember... The only things I didn't finish (even though these were tinysized portions) were the aforementioned Italian pizzas and American pumpkin pie... I'm really sorry, it wasn't that horrible or anything, just, erh, boring, really. I didn't waste space on that... (Also my ex colleague, an American, said she had yet to meet a Norwegian who liked it. Possibly it's an acquired taste and we're not good at acquiring things...)
- I've still got a bunch of queijadas leite and bolinhos de areia (correct, I don't know which is which..) in my fridge, anyone?
I guess there are ups and downs to everything...
- Kindergarten assistant: This must be your father, with those four babies!
- Jakob (without hesitation): No, 'cause my dad's willy's bigger than that!
I found this over at Marina's site. It's incredible! Now you know why your flat is such a mess when you come home from work... Ah, the Swedes... |
- If that doesn't work, try this link instead.